Down But Not Out

If I am being completely honest right now, my downward spiral and the subsequent broken path I find myself presently walking began in the early spring of this year when I lost the privilege of caring for the tiny human that became my world. She was everything to me. My heart, my soul, my reason [...]

Exhausted But Not Extinguished

What do you do when you find yourself perpetually stuck in a valley that you believed wholeheartedly was going to be temporary, but are now coming to the very real and somewhat frightening realization that indeed, it may be permanent? How do you process, confront, and ultimately overcome the paralyzingly terrifying feelings of being completely [...]

Closer Than I Know

Would it be acceptable for me to speak to you very candidly about the season the Lord has me in right now?  I'm not going to sugar coat my life or make it appear that I have it all together, because quite frankly in many respects, I'm still a pretty messy work in progress. Messy, [...]


As I was driving home from work Friday afternoon, listening joyfully to my new Hillsong album on iTunes, I was casually talking to God as I so often do in my alone time. I was asking Him to speak to my heart, listening intently for His whispering in my spirit. As I looked ahead in [...]

Love in Pieces (pt. 2)

  "Sometimes when you win, you lose." -Robin Williams, What Dreams May Come As I've gotten older, there is one undeniable truth that I have learned about love... It will cost you. In light of that truth, the questions you have to ask yourself become... What price am I willing to pay for love? What [...]

Love in Pieces (pt. 1)

    By now, you may have learned that I have had a very long battle with depression, anxiety, self-harm, and an eating disorder accompanied by severe alcohol abuse that very well could have destroyed my life. Most people would believe that it was those destructive facets of my life that drove me running back [...]

Christ in the Chaos

I am finding there is healing in looking back at where you once were, and seeing now how far God has brought you. Many people do not know that God has blessed me with a gift to write, a gift that I used greatly in my younger years as an outlet for all of the [...]

Who Are You?

How many times in life has someone asked you the question, "Who are you"? It comes in a variety of wording, but in essence, when somebody asks this question, they are wanting to find out what makes you YOU, and who you believe you are as a person. I have been asked this question countless [...]